The aims of Mount Torrens Christian School are intended to reflect Christian values and educational perspectives, which are derived from the Bible as the Word of God. These values and perspectives provide the framework for all aspects of the College community and underpin the aims of the College to:

Assist parents to equip their children to lead effective, God-glorifying Christian lives;

Develop the spiritual, social, physical and academic potential of each student;

Recognize and approve the attainment and pursuit of excellence in each sphere of student endeavour;

Employ staff who identify with the biblical values and perspectives of the College through a personal commitment to living the Christian Faith;

Establish a College environment where Christian faith, hope, love, joy, peace and service are promoted and in evidence;

Encourage the display of a respectful attitude from all College participants towards others;

Provide a curriculum for all students that is delivered from a Christian perspective and reflects a biblical worldview that satisfies the requirements of the Australian Curriculum;

Encourage a cooperative relationship between the College staff and Christian families, to assist students to become responsible individuals with a desire to be a blessing to others and to serve their church and local communities.