The curriculum focus for the primary years is to:
- Enable students to investigate and understand God’s purpose for their lives.
- Provide a learning environment where each student feels understood, supported, valued and encouraged by teaching staff.
- Expose students to the concept of, “Learning and Serving” as a principle for living that embraces both serving God and serving others within the student’s family, school, church and local community contexts.
- Include and facilitate students as active participants within and contributors to each curriculum context through personal reflection, collaborative learning and inquiry-based learning approaches.
- Relate student learning to everyday life, contemporary issues and their own personal interests and experiences.
The curriculum outcome for each student in the Primary Years is to:
Develop respect for God, teachers, parents, fellow students and oneself.
Value the importance of learning and the opportunity to be a successful learner at school.
Develop learning skills, attitudes and personal disciplines that will provide a basis for success throughout the learning experience at school and beyond.
Acquire the learning skills and knowledge to be an effective, self-motivated, independent learner who can utilize learning technologies with competence, wisdom and responsibility.
Appreciate their personal worth and importance to God and to others.
Become an active contributor within the school environment by serving others.
Deepen and develop their thinking skills as creative and critical thinkers who respect the contribution of others who assist their learning.
Develop their areas of interest, creativity and God-given abilities.
In the Primary Years (4-6), students at Mount Torrens Christian School undertake a learning programme made up of:
- English
- Mathematics
- Design Technology
- Science
- Civics and Citizenship
- Geography
- History
- Language Studies (German)
- Physical Education
- Community Service
- Art
- Christian Living
- Music
- Choir